This isn’t a book I necessarily want to write. It’s certainly a book I wish I didn’t feel as though I had to write. In a perfect world, we’d already be aware of the full extent of women’s presence and influence in SFF. We’d recognize some, if not all, of the people I’m presenting as well as we do that of, say, Isaac Asimov. This is not to say that women have not claimed a space in SFF. Of course we have. We know Alice Bradley Sheldon, Anne McCaffrey, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and Ursula K. Le Guin. And yet, we’re still more likely to be remembered for our skirt than for our work, if we’re remembered at all.


It also seems to me that for every step we take forward, we are pushed two steps back. This has never been more clear than it is with this year’s Hugo Award nominations. And so, despite our long history of presence and influence in SFF, our work is not done yet, and that is why WWAH exists.

About WWAH

vintagerocketWe Were Always Here is the working title of a book in progress, one intended to highlight the efforts and achievements of women working in the field of science fiction and fantasy throughout the years 1900-2000. This book will focus on the authors, editors, agents, publishers, poets, and fans of influence from all corners of the world, bringing to light the vibrant voices that have contributed to what has historically been seen as a male-dominated field.

The working title for this project was taken from Camille Bacon-Smith’s The Women Were Always Here: The Obligatory History Lesson, 2002.